


Process File: ntosa32.exe
Process Name: W32.HLLW.Anig Trojan
Description: ntosa32.exe is a process which is registered as the is a process which is registered as the TROJ_SUA.A Trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Please see additional details regarding this process.Trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Please see additional details regarding this process.
Author: unknown
Part of: W32.HLLW.Anig Trojan
Common Path(s): unknown
Secuirty Risk (0-5): 4
Spyware: No
Adware: No
Virus: Yes
Trojan: Yes
System Process: No
Application: No
Background Process: Yes
Uses Network: Yes
Uses Internet: Yes
Related Process: