Process File:nsctop.exeProcess Name:Symantec System Center Discovery ServiceDescription:nsctop.exe is a process belonging to Symantec System Center. The application searches AV servers on the network.
Process File:nscsrvce.exeProcess Name:Norton Security ConsoleDescription:nscsrvce.exe is a process belonging to Norton Internet Security Suite which protects your computer against Internet-bound threa
Process File:nscheck.exeProcess Name:Nettsetter SpywareDescription:nscheck.exe is a background process monitoring your web usage and surfing habits and uploads the feedback to an online server for com
Process File:nscagent.exeProcess Name:unknownDescription:nscagent.exe is an unknown process. If you have any information please e-mail us with the details at [email protected]:unknownPart of:unkno
Process File:nrpc.exeProcess Name:Downloader.W32.QDownDescription:nrpc.exe is registered as a downloader. This process usually comes bundled with a virus or spyware and its main role is to do nothing
Process File:nrmenctb.exeProcess Name:Norman Access Control PrivacyDescription:nrmenctb.exe is the main process belonging to the Norman Access Control Privacy which protects your privacy from maliciou
Process File:nrcs.exeProcess Name:Tojan.W32.RankyDescription:nrcs.exe is a registered Trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet b
Process File:npswf32.dllProcess Name:n/aDescription:npswf32.dll is a module from Norwegian Opera Software ASA..Author:Norwegian Opera Software ASA.Part of:unknownCommon Path(s):unknownSecuirty Risk (0
Process File:npssvc.exeProcess Name:Norton Program Scheduler ServiceDescription:npssvc.exe is a part of the Norton Anti-Virus application. It is used to schedule the automatic Norton Anti-Virus scans.
Process File:npscheck.exeProcess Name:Norton Program Scheduler/ Event CheckerDescription:npscheck.exe is a part of the Norton Anti-Virus application. This process should not be removed to ensure that
Process File:nprotect.exeProcess Name:NprotectDescription:nprotect.exe is a process from Symantec that is associated with the Windows Recycle Bin. It prevents the user from accidentally deleting data
Process File:nprfxins.dllProcess Name:RichFX Basic PlayerDescription:nprfxins.dll is a module associated with RichFX Basic Player 3.31.0659 from RichFX Inc..Author:RichFX Inc.Part of:RichFX Basic Play