Process File:winppr32.exeProcess Name:system.W32.Sobig.FDescription:winppr32.exe is a process which is registered as the system.W32.Sobig.F Virus. This worm is distributed usually via e-mail, and on r
Process File:winpopup.exeProcess Name:Intranet chatDescription:winpopup.exe is a part of the Intranet chat utility that comes with Windows providing chat functionalities. This LAN messaging utility wo
Process File:winplay.dllProcess Name:WinplayDescription:Library file that contains functions for decoding and playing back multimedia files to be used by Game software.Author:unknownPart of:GameCommon
Process File:winpatrol.exeProcess Name:WinPatrolDescription:winpatrol.exe is a process belonging to WinPatrol and is protects your computer against Internet bound threats such as spyware and adware. T
Process File:winpack.exeProcess Name:Troj/Dloader-JU TrojanDescription:winpack.exe is a process belonging to Troj/Dloader-JU Trojan. When executed the process will try to download and execute new file
Process File:winotify.dllProcess Name:Spyware.W32.AbetterInternetDescription:winotify.dll is a library belonging to an advertising program by AbetterInternet Spyware. This process monitors your browsi
Process File:winole.exeProcess Name:W32/SDBOT WORM ComponentDescription:winole.exe is a process that is added by the W32/SDBOT WORM. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your sys
Process File:winoldap.exeProcess Name:Microsoft MS-Dos ExecuterDescription:winoldap.exe is a legitimate process used on Windows 98 based computers which deals with old ms-dos based programs. This prog
Process File:winoie789.exeProcess Name:W32.Dinoxi.B TrojanDescription:winoie789.exe is a process which is registered as W32.Dinoxi.B Trojan. This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from r
Process File:winoa386.modProcess Name:Microsoft MS-DOS ConsoleDescription:winoa386.mod provides a console for MS-DOS within the 32 bit Windows environment and gives access to the command line disk ope
Process File:winnt.exeProcess Name:Downloader.W32.HaxdoorDescription:winnt.exe is registered as a downloader. This process usually comes bundled with a virus or spyware and its main role is to do noth
Process File:winnook.exeProcess Name:Antivirus Gold AdwareDescription:winnook.exe is a process belonging to an advertising program by Antivirus Gold. This process monitors your browsing habits and dis
Process File:winnls.dllProcess Name:Windows IME interface core componentDescription:File that contains functions for the conversion between keystrokes and ideographs or other characters, usually by us
Process File:winnet.exeProcess Name:CommonName SpywareDescription:winnet.exe is an add-on for the Internet Explorer allowing you to search for sites related to a specific keyword. This process is an a
Process File:winmysqladmin.exeProcess Name:WinMySQLadmin ToolDescription:winmysqladmin.exe is a process belonging to the MySQL database administration tool that allows you to manage databases, configu
Process File:winmx.exeProcess Name:WinMX Peer-to-peer SharingDescription:winmx.exe is a process belonging to the WinMX Peer-to-peer file sharing tool. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or ena